Studie - Chancen und Herausforderungen bei virtuellen Events und Messen - insidery Beratung und Marktforschung

Virtual event strategies require user-centric engagement

Performance evaluation of trade fairs and events

Virtual events have experienced an enormous boom in the past few months – for the well-known reasons. Are they ultimately more than a substitute in times of crisis and maybe the format of the future? The results of a recent joint study by insidery and MCI Germany show: more sophisticated approaches are needed to achieve a successful transformation from face-to-face to virtual and hybrid formats.

From June 10 to 19, insidery conducted an online survey among more than 500 professionals in Germany who regularly participate in external events/congresses/exhibitions. Various interesting trends could be derived from this survey. And topics such as immersive storytelling, involvement and engagement as well as tendencies towards hybridization were confirmed.


Virtual events: saving costs and time, ok. But what else?

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