At insidery, we are guided by our company values. These values are the foundation of how we conduct ourselves and interact with each other, our clients, partners, suppliers, and other stakeholders.
We are committed to complying with all compulsory laws and promoting ethical corporate culture by observing the highest standards of fair dealing, honesty, and integrity in our business activities.
Our company encourages reporting any suspected unethical, illegal, corrupt, fraudulent, or undesirable conduct involving our business and protects individuals who raise a concern without fear of victimisation or retaliation.
The EU Whistleblowing Protection Directive was decided by the European Union in October 2019. On the one hand, it guarantees whistleblowers who want to report violations of EU law more protection, and on the other hand, it obliges public and private organizations as well as public authorities to establish secure channels for whistleblowing. Requirements for the process include ensuring confidentiality, as well as excluding retaliation. The reporting channels should be reliable and, in particular, preserve anonymity.
In order to comply with this directive, the mci group, parent company of insidery GmbH, has decided to use the whistleblowing reporting tool of the external service provider WhistleB. This process ensures the confidentiality and anonymity of any person who speaks out about an ethical or legal issue. Please click on the following link if you would like to report an issue: MCI Group Whistleblowing Process