Trade fairs and events (live, hybrid, virtual) are essential drivers of content: new offers, innovative products and high-performance services sometimes have to be communicated and marketed without a break. Although the resulting content is related to the event (e.g. image films or interviews at trade fairs), it is also spread independently over the web and in social media. What’s more, certain events often set the pace for innovations and the schedule for market-ready products: “We’ve got to have Product X ready for trade fair Y”. Last but not least, “User Generated Content”, created in virtual and hybrid set-ups actively involving the target audience, can be exploited by the company. Live marketing thus acts likes a catalyst when it comes to generating content in a multidimensional way.
Companies and agencies are always on the lookout for new ways to advance live experiences. They market events via the latest platforms and networks, test new technologies (such as virtual reality, event or lead apps) and improve the efficiency of workflows and processes. This allows them to gain early experience of best practices that then frequently find their way into general marketing communication and sales measures. Companies also use standardised customer feedback processes on trade fairs and events to get the first reactions to products or services directly, which are then processed accordingly within the company. Live marketing thus plays at least an indirect role in “trend research”.
Companies only learn if the activation has worked, the messages have been understood or product benefits have come across clearly by listening to their target audiences. Interaction with target audiences at trade fairs and events plays a key role in this process. After all, where else do companies have such direct access to the experience of their customers and other interested parties? Where else can they learn immediately whether product and brand communication is making an impression? If knowledge is gathered directly through surveys, for instance, those responsible have the opportunity of testing brand communication effectiveness and of future optimisation for specific target audiences.